If you wish to join the society, please fill out the contact form below, plus any of the additional printouts depending on your preferred method.
Membership Cost per year:
- Individual Membership: £28
- Group Membership (i.e. organisations/families/orchestras): £33
- Non UK Members: £33
Gift Aid:
If you are a UK taxpayer, tick the relevant box and we can claim 25p from HMRC for every £1 of your subscription or donation.
Select the option in the membership form if you wish to choose this option.
Please notify us if you:
- Want to cancel this declaration
- Change your name or home address
- No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
- If you pay income tax at the higher rate or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code.
Paying by Standing Order (Recommended)
If you wish to pay by standing order, please download and mail to us the linked STANDING ORDER FORM
Please note that Paypal deduct a charge of 2.99% on Paypal transactions, so if you would like us to receive the full value of your donation, a direct bank transfer may be preferable.
To join by PayPal, select the option opposite and please send your membership payment via THIS PAGE
*Address at bottom of page
**(If you are unable do this using online banking, complete the attached form and send it to your bank)